A Few Tips For Making Sure Your Independent Medical Exam Doesn't Jeopardize Your Claim
Posted on: 24 March 2016
If you have been injured in an accident of any type that was not your fault, you have the right to expect the other party to be responsible for your medical expenses. Most of the time, this will involve insurance agencies at the minimum, and perhaps the court and legal system as well. When this happens, the other party's insurance company may require you submit to an independent medical examination to determine the extent of your injuries. This should be performed by an impartial medical doctor. However, it is possible that this doctor will try to downplay your injuries or discredit you in some manner to reduce the amount of compensation you receive. To reduce the chance of this happening, here are a few tips for getting through the exam.
Things to Take with You
When you go to the exam, you should be sure to take with you a copy of your medical records pertaining to the injuries received. If you had previous injuries to the same area, be sure to take those records as well, especially proof that the injury had healed, or was healing well before the accident. If at all possible, you may want to take the doctor who was working with you to correct this previous injury too. If you cannot take the doctor, take a friend who can take notes or an audio recording of the exam.
Interacting with the Doctor
During the exam, you want to be honest with the doctor. Be sure to explain things like the amount of pain you are in, how the accident occurred, and how the injuries are healing or not. Be precise, be thorough, but do not exaggerate or embellish. Doctors can tell when your wince is fake or too much; just be honest.
Refuse Further Testing
You already had X-rays, blood work and all the tests needed to determine the injuries. The independent doctor will have access to all of these and be able to base his opinion on them the same way your doctor did. If he or she requests further testing, refuse to do so, including any mental or emotional testing. After the exam, talk with your attorney about it and see what he or she has to say.
An independent medical examination is nothing to worry about. Relax, be honest, and let the doctor do his or her job. As soon as the exam is over, take any notes, or the recording, to your lawyer. If there is any question about the extent of our injuries, your lawyer may be able to use the information to prove the exam was not done in a manner to show fault with your doctor's initial injury report.