When You Need Oxygen: Safety Tips To Know

Posted on: 17 January 2023

Needing oxygen therapy changes many things about your way of life. When you need in-home oxygen therapy on a regular basis, you need to familiarize yourself with oxygen safety considerations. Although oxygen itself is not flammable, it does increase the risk of combustion in the environment immediately surrounding it. Here are some things to consider to keep yourself and your family safe. 

Do not permit smoking in your home

When anyone in the house is on oxygen, whether it's a concentrator or tank, prohibit smoking in your home and anywhere around the oxygen supply. Since oxygen increases the risk of combustion, even a small spark like an ember from a cigarette can lead to catastrophic damage.

Use caution in the kitchen

Another important thing to think about is any flame-producing appliance in your kitchen. When you're using oxygen, steer clear of anything like the stove that could potentially cause combustion.

Choose water-based skin and healthcare products

Water-based products are less likely to have any kind of flammable ingredient in the mixture. That makes them a safer choice to use in a home with oxygen therapy. Many people overlook the importance of these products, but you should avoid things such as traditional hairsprays and such. 

Find proper storage space

When you use an oxygen tank, you'll need storage space to keep your spare tanks. In most cases, your delivery service will bring several at each delivery so that you have sufficient oxygen to carry you through to the next delivery. Look for somewhere cool and free of any heat-producing elements to store your tanks. There should be enough room for the tanks to stay upright for safety. If you don't have any adequate storage space, talk with your doctor about switching to an oxygen concentrator instead of the tanks.

Know how to turn off your supply

Whether you're using a concentrator or tanks, make sure you know how to turn off the oxygen supply properly. Have your delivery service teach you how the equipment works so that you can turn off the oxygen supply when needed for safety and preserve your oxygen when you do not need it.

Talk with your doctor about any other safety considerations that might apply to your oxygen supply needs. If you feel more comfortable with a concentrator instead of oxygen tanks, share that with your doctor. He or she will listen to your concerns and might find that a concentrator is a better solution for you. 

Reach out to your doctor or a supplier to learn more about oxygen therapy.


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Hi there! My name is Sara Jerba. I'm no doctor, but I'm very familiar with them due to experience. You could say I was a sickly child. Between various allergies and a few other conditions, I got to be very good friends with my doctors and nurses. Although I hate staying overnight in the hospital, I do feel quite at home there. Now, don't feel sorry for me. Most of my conditions have eased or even abated entirely as I've grown up. And none of them were ever life-threatening--just inconvenient. It's actually been very positive in the long run; it's brought a lot of wonderful people and important knowledge into my life that I wouldn't have had otherwise.

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