Which Is Better—Daily or Monthly Contact Lenses?
Posted on:
22 January 2015
Contact lenses come in many types, and are made out of various materials, all of which offer different benefits to the wearer. Two of the most common types of contact lenses are daily and monthly contact lenses, which last for as long as their name suggests before they have to be disposed of. Understanding what each of these types of contact lenses offers allows you to choose the lens that best fits your needs.
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The 3 Most Important Questions To Ask Before Buying Your First Hearing Aid
Posted on:
16 January 2015
So, your hearing test results are back and you need a hearing aid. Where do you start? Well, you'll need to find a reputable hearing aid dispensary in your area. This, in addition to performing some hearing aids comparisons, will ultimately help you make the right decision. Before you finalize any hearing aid purchase, however, there are some questions you need to ask.
What's the Warranty Like?
Your new hearing aid should come with a warranty.
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Dysfunctional Uterine Bleeding: What You Should Know Before You Sign The Consent Form For A Hysterectomy
Posted on:
14 January 2015
If you suffer from dysfunctional uterine bleeding, you know how distressing and inconvenient it can be. Out of desperation, you may try to convince your gynecologist to perform a hysterectomy without trying alternative methods to stop the excessive bleeding. A hysterectomy is major surgery and is not without risks. Other options may help control the bleeding without the risks factors associated with undergoing a surgical procedure.
Dysfunctional uterine bleeding, commonly referred to as DUB, is any bleeding that occurs apart from your normal monthly period.
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Why You Should Give Up The Excuses And Get A Colonoscopy Already
Posted on:
12 January 2015
When it comes to taking care of your health as you age, the process is not always particularly pleasant. For women, you add the annual mammogram to your roster of routine examinations every year. For men, it's the annual prostate exam. And for both men and women, doctors recommend you get a regular colonoscopy starting at around age 50. Depending on your risk factors, they will recommend colonoscopy exams every five or ten years.
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