Substitute These Products For A Child With A Milk Allergy
Posted on:
16 January 2018
When it comes to being unable to consume dairy products, it's common to hear about those who suffer from a lactose intolerance. There are other people, however, who have milk allergies — and this issue isn't the same as a lactose intolerance. If allergy testing has revealed that your child has a milk allergy, you'll obviously want to ensure that he or she stays away from milk. However, given the prevalence of milk in the average child's diet, you'll want to look for suitable alternatives to products that contain milk so that your child doesn't feel as though he or she is missing out.
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Reduce The Risk Of A Child Getting Burned With These Tips Around The House
Posted on:
28 November 2017
When you have young children, it's imperative that you take a mindful approach to household safety so that you don't end up visiting the pediatrician with an injury. Burns are a concern for every family, and while you'd likely visit an emergency room if your child were severely burned, it's probable that you'd see a pediatric physician for minor burns. Given that a young child can get burned around the house in a variety of different ways, it's important to constantly be identifying potential dangers in your home and working to correct them.
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Imaging Tests Used To Diagnose A Spinal Stenosis Condition
Posted on:
27 October 2017
Spinal stenosis is a condition where the space along the spine where the spinal cord sits narrows and places pressure on the spine. This condition is quite painful and is often seen with shooting pain up and down the back. If your doctor believes that you may have spinal stenosis, then a serious of imaging tests will need to be completed. Keep reading to learn about the ones that may be suggested.
X-Ray Images
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Ease Rheumotoid Arthritis Symptoms In Your Wrists And Fingers
Posted on:
22 October 2017
If you are a construction worker and have been diagnosed with rheumatoid arthritis in your wrists and fingers and experience stiffness and pain that make it difficult to use your hands at times, the suggestions below may help ease symptoms and make it easier for you to complete work duties.
Wear Heated Gloves
If you have noticed that you experience more pain on days that it is cold outside, wearing a pair of heated gloves may help counteract the pain.
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